Technical requirements for manuscripts

  1. The articles that are submitted for publication must be written in French, German, English or Russian. The finished manuscripts are deposited in paper form (one-sided printout) in the editorial office, and are simultaneously sent in electronic version to the e-mail of the journal:
  2. The main text of the manuscript must be accompanied by:
    1. Summary in English (up to 200 words) located immediately after the title. It should describe the main goals of the research; provide information on how the study was conducted; summarize the most important results of the research and their significance.
    2. Keywords (up to 5) immediately after the summary.
    3. List of all titles cited in the material at the end of the text (ISO 690 - see
    4. Brief current bio-bibliographic reference for the author accompanied by address and postcode, e-mail.
    5. Summary in Bulgarian (to be included in the journal’s website)
  3. The texts must be in RTF or DOC (Docx) format; Times New Roman font (12 pt), new paragraph (First Line) - 1.25 cm, entered via the Paragraph / Special / First line option (without the use of tabulator!), without hyphenation, without any other formatting (Paragraph / Indentation options / Left-Right and Paragraph / Spacing / Before-After should be 0 cm).
  4. The notes are formatted as FOOTNOTES, with Arabic numerical ascending numbers for each individual item, automatically entered through the References / Footnotes / Continuous of Word for Windows, Times New Roman (10 pt) font. The numbers of the notes in the text are written after the punctuation mark, if there is one immediately before the digits of the number.
  5. Footnotes must be written in accordance to the requirements of the Bulgarian State Standard (BDS). Reference examples:
    1. Non-periodicals:
      1. Books:

        McLane, Ch. Soviet-Middle East Relations. London: Central Asian Research Centre, 1973, р. 30–31.

        Недков, Ц. Стопанският живот на град Балчик (1878–1944). Добрич: „Матадор 74“, 2009, с. 39.

      2. Articles in collections, series and encyclopedias:

        Scheff1er, Th. Ethno radikal is mus: Zum Verhaltnis von Ethnopolitik und Gewalt. – In: Mindeiheiten als Konfliktpotential in Ostmittel- und Sudosteuropa. Hrsg. G. Sеewann. München, 1995, S. 9-47.

    2. Periodicals:

      Daskalov, R. Ideas about, and Reactions to Modernization in the Balkans. – East European Quarterly, XXXI, No. 2, June 1997, p. 141-179.

      Цветкова, Б. Робството в Османската империя и по-специално в българските земи под турска власт. – Исторически преглед, 1954, № 2, с. 82-100.

    3. Later citations

      Пак там; Op. cit.

    4. Archive materials

      НБКМ–БИА, оп. 2, а.е. 7, л. 108-109,

      ЦДА, ф. 264 К, оп. 2, а.е. 9393, л. 3-9.

    5. Newspaper

      Новини, ІІ, бр. 9, 22 окт. 1891, с. 3.

  6. All images - tables, charts - should be numbered and titled and editable.
  7. The text and images must be portrait-oriented and black-white, the text aligned only to the left. Do not use any formatting options, incl. transferring parts of words to a new line.
  8. The editorial board does not set limits on volume, but asks the authors to keep in mind that Bulgarian Historical Review is a journal.
  9. Manuscripts will not be returned.