Bulgarian Historical Review

XLIX (2021) 3-4



N. Esim Mergen Türk – The Idea of Peasant Soldiery in the Byzantine and Ottoman States in the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries 3

Dragana J. Janjić – Le statut juridictionnel des paroisses catholiques au Kosovo-et-Métochie au Moyen Age21

Stefan Dimitrov – Development of Mining in Sakar Mountain in the 15th and 16th Centuries. Demographic and Economic Characteristics of the Population Engaged in Ore Mining and Metalworking47

Teodorichka Gotovska-Henze – Zwei Konzeptionen über die ursprüngliche Modernisierung des Schulwesens der untergebenen Völker in der Habsburgermonarchie und im Osmanischen Reich im 18. und19. Jahrhundert 109

Petăr Stoyanovich – Sein und Schein am Hofe des Zaren Ferdinand von Bulgarien: einige Nuancen seines Intimlebens162

Georgi Minczew – Foreign Bogomilism? The Historiosophic Hesitations of Petar Mutafchiev173

Gabriel Asandului – Party Education in Communist Romania in the First Two Post-war Decades (1945–1965)196

Ирина Якимова – “Русский фактор” в болгарской внешней политике в 90-е годы ХХ века227

Reviews of Books

Orlin SăbevРумяна Радкова. За знания в „чуждина“ (XVIII– XIX в.). София, Издателство на БАН „Проф. Марин Дринов“, 2019. 456 с. (Rumyana Radkova. Acquiring Knowledge Away from Home (18th–19th c.). Sofia, Prof. Marin Drinov Publishing House of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2019. 456 р.)259

Nadya DanovaЮра Константинова. Българите в османския Солун. София, Институт за балканистика с Център по тракология – Българска академия на науките, 2020. 440 с. (Yura Konstantinova. The Bulgarians in the Ottoman Thessaloniki. Sofia, Institute for Balkan Studies with Center for Thracology – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2020. 440 pp.) 262

Виктор Савченко, Александр Тригуб – Украинско-болгарские отношения 1914–1944 гг. в освещении современной историографии: Матяш Ірина, Тертична Анна, Манасієва Інна. Українсько-болгарські відносини: офіційна і культурна дипломатія (1918–1944). Київ-Софія, Інститут історії України, 2021. 372 с. (Ukrainian-Bulgarian Relations in 1914–1944 in the Coverage of Modern Historiography: Matyash Iryna, Tertychna Anna, Manasieva Inna. Ukrainian-Bulgarian Relations: Official and Cultural Diplomacy (1918–1944). Kyiv-Sofia, Institute of History of Ukraine, 2021. 372 p.) 270