Bulgarian Historical Review

XLII (2014) 1-2


Vatican – Poland – Bulgaria – 150 Years from the Beginning of the Resurrectionists Mission in Bulgaria

Ilia Todev - “With the Poles We Have Always Got Along...” (Unknown pages from the history of Bulgarian-Polish reciprocity) 3

Lilla Moroz-Grzelak - The Slavic Aspect in the Bulgarian Mission of the Resurrectionists 9

Ekaterina Vecheva - Rome, the Balkans and Bulgaria (15th–17th c.) (Some Historiographical Problems)23

Yordanka Gesheva - The Franciscan Eusebio Fermendžin and His Work in Favor of Bulgaria 30

Blagovest Njagulov - Identity, Church and State: A Bulgarian Pole among the Catholics in the Village of Dragomirovo38

Wojciech Józwiak - Educational and Publishing Activity in the Ressurectionist Uniate Center in Edirne (Former Adrianople), 1863–1914 49

Lyubomir Georgiev - On the Education of the Bulgarians in Adrianople and the Impact of the “Brothers of the Ressurection” 64

Stanislava Stoytcheva - Bulgarian Catholics in Macedonia (1879–1912): An Attempt for Statistical and Demographic Overview 72

Stefka Venkova - The Musical Activities of the Congregation of the Resurrection’s Mission in Bulgaria (mid-19th – mid-20th c.) 97


Ömer Düzbakar - Sexual Crimes and Punishments in the Ottoman Empire and Examples from the Bursa Shari’a Court Records of 17th Century 104

Daniel Vachkov - Les finances bulgares durant les années des guerres balkaniques 122

Teodorichka Gotovska-Henze - Tschechisch-bulgarische Synchronisation am Vorabend des Balkankrieges von 1912 vom Blickpunkt des 21.Jh. 138

Simona Samuilova - Scientific and Educational Programs between the US and the Eastern Bloc during the Cold War 162

Scientific Communications

Любомила Соленкова - Образование без границ. Или как и где болгарский возрожденческий историк получает свое образование 183

Асен Кожухаров - О перевоплощениях воспитанника Машинного училища Флота Григора Чочева 201

Nadya Filipova - La presse et le public bulgares sur la société irakienne, le régime de SaddamHussein et le conflit militaire dans le golfe Persique de 1990–1991 209

Reviews of Books

Tamara Stoilova - Анонимна хроника за графовете Булгари (края на ХVІІ век) (Chronique anonyme des comtes Bulgari (fin du XVIIe siècle). Увод, превод и коментар Пенка Данова. София, Парадигма, 2014.ISBN 978-954-326-224-3 221

Вера Бонева - Венцислав Мучинов. Миграционна политика на Османската империя в българските земи през ХІХ век (до 1878 г.). (La politique migratoire de l’Empire Ottoman dans les terres bulgares au XIXe siècle (jusqu’en 1878). София, Издателство “Регалия 6”, 2013. 270 с. ... 225-233225

Илияна Марчева - Пенка Пейковска. Българските общности в Унгария през 19–20 век. Миграции и историко-демографска характеристика. (Die bulgarischen Gemeinschaften in Ungarn wahrend des 19.–20.Jh. Migrationen und historisch-demographische Charakteristiken). София, 2011. 400 с. 233

Hasip Saygılı - Greek Band Activities in Macedonia Between 1904–1908: On A Hellenic Army History Monography 237

Scientific Activities

Илия Илиев - Международная научная конференция „Константин Иречек – историк, государственник, общественник, мемуарист“ 245