Bulgarian Historical Review

L (2022) 1-2



Pencho Penchev, Hristiyan Atanasov – From an Empire to a Nation State: Land Property and its Guarantee in the Balkans. The Case of Bulgaria 3

Petko Hristov – Zadruga from the Past – an Imaginary Pattern for Scientific Examination and a Model for Construction of Political and Social Organization in Bulgaria 38

Peter Stoyanovich – Die bulgarische Armee und das Offizierskorps im Wandel (1887–1912) und der Beitrag von Fürst/König Ferdinand I. 55

Dimitra Patronidou – Memory, oblivion and National Narrative in “Landscapes of Defence”: the Memorial Fountain in Honor of the Bulgarian and German Soldiers Near the Village of Giouretzik, Drama (1942) 108

Ventsislav Muchinov – The Immigration Policy of Bulgaria in the Period 1944–1989 129

Natália Váradi – Documents from the Sectoral State Archive of the Security Service of Ukraine on the Activities of the Personnel of the International Committee of the Red Cross during the 1956 Hungarian Revolution 148

Irina Grigorova – PAL, SECAM, NTSC ou bien…? L’implémentation du procédé de télévision en couleur en Bulgarie (les années 1960 – le début des années 1970) 166

Simona Samuilova – Disinformation and Myth-Making during the Cold War 188


Дмитрий О. Лабаури, Илья А. Градобоев – Болгаро-турецкие отношениях в конце 1913 – первой половине 1914 гг. по донесениям русской военной разведки на Балканах. 208

Reviews of Books

Vera BonevaЕлена Александрова. Дисциплина и всекидневие в политиката на ВМОРО (1893–1912). Издателство ИВРАЙ, 2020. 376 с. (Elena Alexandrova. Discipline and Everyday Life in the Policy of the IMARO (1893–1912). IVRAY Publishing House, 2020. 376 p.) 268

Ivan Ilchev – Reflecting on the Craft of the Historian: Notes on the Margins of Snezhana Dimitrova’s Book „Възстановяване…, Репарации… Гаранции…: Франция и балканските славянски държави (септември 1918 – януари 1920)“. София: Парадигма, 2020, 734 с. (“Restoration…, Reparations… Guarantees…: France and the Balkan Slavic States (September 1918 – January 1920)”. Sofia: Paradigma, 2020, 734 pp.) 274

Shteliyan D. ShterionovПенка Пейковска. Демографски аспекти на миграциите в България, 1912–1944. София, Институт за исторически изследвания, 2019. 350 с. (Penka Peykovska. Demographic Aspects of Migrations in Bulgaria, 1912–1944. Sofia, Institute for Historical Studies, 2019. 350 p.) 279