Bulgarian Historical Review

XLIX (2021) 1-2



Деница Петрова – Неизвестная сокращенная редакция рассказа о нападениях на Царьград3

Nicoleta Annemarie Munteanu, Eugen Străuțiu – The Bulgarians from the Sibiu Region. Documents and Testimonials on the Communities from Bungard and Rusciori16

Shtelian D. Shterionov – Spezifika der Demographischen Entwicklung Bulgariens in der Zeit 1878–191238

Zorka Parvanova – The Bulgarian-Greek Easter in 1911: Festive Spirit and Daily Politics64

Lenka J. Budilová, Marek Jakoubek – Vojvodovo – ein vergessenes Kapitel der tschechischen Gegenwart in Bulgarien82

Victor Rogozenski – The Idea of Self-Determination of Nations Applied in Cieszyn Silesia in 1920 and the Reaction of the Press in the Affected Countries111

Nadya Filipova – Bulgarian Temporary Labour Migration in Iraq during the 1960s and 1970s130

Evgenia Kalinova – The “Revival Process” in Bulgaria and the Soviet Participation – Myths and Realities158

Petya Dimitrova – “Was ist in der Tat das Internet...” Wahrheiten und Mythen über den zweiten Weltkrieg im Cyberspace194

Lütfi Üredi, Sait Akbaşlı, Pelin Kosece, Gürsen Vural – Social Forces and Main Factors Influencing the Education in Turkey: A Historical Perspective226

Reviews of Books

Tsvetelin StepanovАнтон К. Салмин. Савиры, булгары и тюрко-монголы в истории чувашей. Санкт-Петербург, ‘Нестор-История’, 2019. 296 с. (Anton K. Salmin. Savirs, Bulgarians and Turko-Mongols in the History of the Chuvash. St. Petersburg, ‘Nestor-History’, 2019. 296 p.)225

Elena KostovaСашка Георгиева. Брачната дипломация на средновековните български владетели. Пловдив, 2019, Фондация „Българско историческо наследство“, vi + 473 с. + 39 илюстр. и 1 карта. (Sashka Georgieva. Marital Diplomacy of Medieval Bulgarian Rulers. Plovdiv, 2019, PH Foundation Bulgarian Historical Heritage, vi + 473 pp., 39 ill., 1 map.)249

Ivan Roussev – Contribution to the Study of the Bulgarian Municipality during the National Revival Period: Тихомир Тонков. Търновската община 1763–1878 г. В. Търново, Народна библиотека „Петко Р. Славейков“, 2020. 392 с. (Tihomir Tonkov. The Municipality of Tarnovo 1763–1878. V. Tarnovo, Petko R. Slaveykov National Library, 2020. 392 p.)256