Bulgarian Historical Review

XLV (2017) 3-4



Mariyana Tsibranska-Kostova - Encomia in the Slavonic Сopies of Euthymius Zigabenos’s Panoplia Dogmatike3

Владимир Гамза – Подготовка болгарских элит в Южнославянском пансионе Тодора Минкова24

Sht. D. Shterionov, M. D. Alexandrov – The Public Healthcare Policy in the Legislation of Bulgaria in the Period 1879–191253

Slavi Slavov – L’Organisation et l’État: VMORO et la Principauté de Bulgare durant la période suivant Ilinden (1903–1908)82

Snezhana Dimitrova – “Not Quiet on the Front and Not Quiet in the Rear”: Of Social Anger during the First World War (The Bulgarian Case)101

Ljudmil Spasow – Georgi Kjosseiwanow, der Krieg und die Regierungskreise in Bulgarien (Februar 1940–September 1944)149

Irina Grigorova – Aspects de la politique bulgare dans les Balkans dans le contexte de la préparation et l’exécution de CSCE187

Reviews of Books

Yordanka GechevaКостадин Паев. Търновската конституция в светлината на Балканския конституционализъм от XIX век. Сравнително историко-правно изследване. София, СИБИ, 2016. 359 с. (Kostadin Paev. La Constitution de Tarnovo à la lumière du constitutionnalisme balkanique du XIXe siècle. Étude comparative, historique et juridique. Sofia, SIBI, 2016. 359 p.)214

Penka PeykovskaDemeter, Gábor. Diplomatic Struggle for Supremacy over the Balkan Peninsula, 1878–1914. Collected Studies. Publications of the Bulgarian-Hungarian History Commission. Sofia, 2017. 159 pp 220

Valentin S. Vasilev – The Fate of Bulgaria to be а Naval Ally of the Third Reich during the Second World War: Петър Даскалов. България – морският съюзник на Третия Райх през Втората световна война (1941–1944 г.). Изд. „Стено“, Варна, 2016. 292 с. (Peter Daskalov. Bulgaria – the Naval Ally of the Third Reich during the Second World War (1941–1944). ‘Steno’ Publ. House, Varna, 2016. 292 pp.)222