Bulgarian Historical Review

XLIV (2016) 3-4



Ömer Düzbakar - Gypsies in Ottoman Empire according to the 16th–17th Centuries Bursa and Balıkesir Shari’a Court Records 3

Ventsislav Muchinov - The Ottoman Policy towards the Internal Migration Movements of the Population Inhabiting the Bulgarian Lands in the Nineteenth Century (until 1878) 31

Ольга Вовк - Жизнь и творчество Василия Каразина в историографическом преломлении66

Miloš Jagodić - Preparation for the 1850 Vidin Uprising 86

Sterian Sterionow, Mario Aleksandrow - Die Politik zum Schutz von Kindern in der Gesetzgebung Bulgariens in der Zeit 1879–1912 112

Chavdar Vetov - Photography and Its Role in the Bulgarian Society (Winning Recognition and Spreading – Late 19th Century – 1930s) 155

Pavel Moraru, Gabriel Șerban - The Bulgarian Minority in Bessarabia in the Inter-war Period According to Documents of Siguranta 188

Dimităr Gyudurov - Bulgarian Educational Policy towards Minorities and the Muslim Students in Al Azhar in the 1930s 223

Андрей С. Поспелов - Ливийско-египетская война 1977 года 239

Reviews of Books

Nikolaj Poppetrov - Inszenierte Gegenmacht von Rechts. Die Legion “Erzengel Michael” in Rumänien 1918–1938. Hrsg. Armin Heinen, Oliver Jens Schmitt. Oldenbourg Verlag, München, 2013 (= Südosteuropäische Arbeiten 150), 400 S., Abbildungen, Grafiken und Karten 252

Daniel Vachkov - Илияна Марчева. Политиката за стопанска модернизация в България по време на Студената война. Пловдив, изд. Летера, 2016, 640 с. (Iliana Marcheva. The Policy of Economic Modernization in Bulgaria during the Cold War. Plovdiv, Letera, 2016, 640 p.)256

Petya Dimitrova - Дарина Григорова. Империя феникс: между съветското минало и евразийското бъдеще. София, Военно издателство, 2015, 192 с. (Darina Grigorova. The Phoenix Empire: between the Soviet Past and the Eurasian Future. Sofia, Military Publishing House, 2015, 192 p.) 261