Bulgarian Historical Review

XLI (2013) 3-4



Пётр Коханек - Генезис схематического образа побережья Чёрнoгo моря на картах ХV века3

Hristian Atanasov - Property Trends among the Urban Population of Rumelia in the 18th Century As Indicated by Inheritance Inventories from Russe, Sofia and Vidin – a First Glance 33

Krisztián Csaplár-Degovics, Gábor Demeter - Social Conflicts, Changing Identities and Everyday Strategies of Survival in Macedonia on the Eve of the Collapse of Ottoman Central Power (1903–1912). Part 2 60

Radoslav Štefančík - Politische Flüchtlinge aus der Tschechoslowakei im Zuge der ersten großen Nachkriegsmigration nach Österreich 90

Irina Grigorova - L’évaluation de la politique française dans les Balkans d’après les documents diplomatiques bulgares (la premiere moitié des années 1970) 111

Scientific Communications

Vasil Ninov - On a Comparison between Nestor, the King of Pylos and King Richard I 125

Rifat Vedat Yildirim, Yesim Isil Ulman - A Look at the Ottoman Social and Medical Modernization through the Life of Dr. Servicen 140

Asen Kozhukharov - La formation et la carrière des officiers bulgares, élevés de l’école navale militaire de Brest 151

Historical Essays

Виктор Косик - Футурология прошлого (К вопросу об исторической памяти и исторической политике) 158

Reviews of Books

Nikolay Poppetrov - The Beginning of Reassessment? Румен Аврамов. „Спасение“ и падение. Микроикономика на държавния антисемитизъм в България 1940–1944 г. Университетско издателство „Св. Климент Охридски“. София, 2012. 264 с. (Rumen Avramov. “Salvation” and Disgrace. Microeconomics of State Anti-Semitism in Bulgaria 1940–1944. “St. Kliment Ohridski” University Press. Sofia, 2012. 264 pp.) 166

Natalia Samoylenko - Татоли Т. В. Авторитаризм в Болгарии в межвоенный период (1918–1939) (: Монография / МВДУкраины, Луганский – Луганск: РИО ЛГУВД им. Э. А. Дидоренко, 2010. 376 с. – Библиогр.: С. 355–374. (Tatoli T. V. Authoritarianism in Bulgaria in Interwar Period (1918– 1939). – Lugansk, Ukraine, 2010, 376 pp.) 170

Artur-Lóránd Lakatos - Doru-Claudiu Frunzulica. Marea ecuatie: Afganistan. (Great Equation: Afganistan). Prefata de George Cristian Maior, Introducere de Robert Kennedy, Editura Rao, 2013, 255 pp. 173