Bulgarian Historical Review

XL (2012) 3-4


Culture and Politics in South-Eastern Europe, 19th–20th Century
(Looking at Bulgaria and Romania)

Virginia Blȋnda - Written Culture and Political Life during the First Half of the 19th Century 3

Elena Siupiur - L’Idée d’Etat dans les Balkans au XIXe siècle. Le cas bulgare 11

Plamen Bozhinov - The Transfer of European and Non-European Ideas in the Political Life of the Bulgarians during the Eastern Crisis, 1875–1877 27

Blagovest Njagulov - Ideas of Federation and Personal Union with Regard to Bulgaria and Romania 36

Dobrinka Parusheva - “We Are All Members of the Same Club”: Bulgarian Political Elite and the Union Club62

Daniel Cain - Le statut social de l’officier au debut du XXe siècle. Le cas de la Roumanie et de la Bulgarie73

Constantin Iordan - La Princesse Marthe Bibesco et la Roumanie pendant les guerres (1913–1918): un intellectuel dans la politique non-officielle 84

Iliyana Marcheva - L’historien et/dans le pouvoir (A la base des mémoires de grands historiens de la période socialiste) 95


Bernard Lory - Trente-cinq mille français en Bulgarie (Varna, 1854) 110

Дмитрий Лабаури - Примирить непримиримых: непосильная задача русской дипломатии на Балканах в 1914–1915 гг. 134

Vladimir Zlatarsky - Die deutsch-bulgarischen Wirtschaftsbeziehungen während des Zweiten Weltkrieges im Spiegel der beiderseitigen Regierungsausschusse fur Regelung der Wirtschaftsfragen. Teil I. 1939–1942 153

Scientific Communications

Ivan Tantschev - Bulgarische Studenten in den Lehranstalten Griechenlands (1878–1912) 175

Asen Kozhukharov - Career Study of Bulgarian Cadets Trained in Trieste ‘Accademia Di Commercio E Di Nautica’ (1892–1942) 193

Reviews of Books

Stoyanka Kenderova - Stefka Parveva. Land and People during 17th – First Decades of 18th Century. Reclamation and Organization of the Agrarian and Social Space in the Central and Southern Balkans under the Ottoman Rule. Prof. Marin Drinov Academic Publishing House. Sofia, 2011. 484 p.210

Виктор Косик - Последните български владици в Македония (Последние болгарские владыки в Македонии). Съставител Лизбет Любенова. София, 2012, 430 с. 213

Yordanka Gesheva - Pentscho Pentschev. Wie die Fundamente gelegt wurden. Zur frühen Geschichte der bulgarischen Korruption (1879–1912). Sofia, Verlag „Riva“, 2011. 280 S. 217

Scientific Activities

Ruselena Pendzhekova-Hristeva - 60 Years Bulgarian University Archival Studies and 10 Years Speciality “Archives and Document Studies” at Sofia University “St Kliment Ohridski” 220

Contents of “Bulgarian Historical Review” – Fortieth Year 236